Hey, I’m Sreejit.

Software Engineer based in India.

Yeah, I’m one of those folks who just sit in front of their machine, and build & break stuff.
(well, most of the times!)

About Me

Hello, my name is Sreejit De. I 'm a Software Engineer based in India, passionate about building things for the web. I love learning new technologies & getting my hands dirty playing around with them. I 'm sharing my journey & learnings on my tech blog regularly.I’m an avid sports fan - from Football to F1!
Sreejit De

I have broken things at

  • Setu2022 - Now
  • HashedIn2021 - 2022

I am currently working (read - breaking stuff) at Setu in the Payments team towards building the next gen of financial infrastructure for India ✨


Being a developer is to be always learning and evolving constantly. Currently while building things for the web, I’m working on and learning these technologies and trying to grasp a few others like Node JS, MongoDB etc.


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Recent Posts

I started my technical blog with the motivation of documenting my learnings as well as sharing bits and pieces of whatever I was learning with the wonderful tech community. I 'm still trying to be more regular in penning down my learnings. Here are some of my recent posts.

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